Everything Will Happen for You Right On Time

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You'll bloom when it's time. I promise.


Spring is here. Now, this isn't just a season, but a spiritual reminder that even in the depths of the darkness, we'll ultimately find the light.

One of my favorite reminders of the spring season is that at some point, life all comes together. Even after the depths of winter, you see the beams of light. And even after you think you can’t take one iota more of winter, it finally ends. Just when you wanna quit and throw in the towel, it all gets better.

This is what I know for sure: all seeds have a gestation period. All things bloom according to plan. I swear to god that you’ll bloom too. I promise.

Even if you feel like it’s not coming together, or if you feel like you’re behind, or you aren’t on track like “everybody else.” You are. You are right on time. And it’s all going to blossom and bloom and magically happen in the way that the cosmos have planned for you.

In this episode, I'm talking all about the journey, the importance of showing up in the winter when you can't see any progress and doing the incremental work upfront. 

So my friend, hang tight. (Even if it still feels like winter). It will all unfold for you in the exact, right divine timing. Life always does. So, tune into this episode and listen to this loving, gentle reminder.



In this episode, you'll learn:


- What to do when you feel like everyone else is succeeding, growing, changing, and evolving but you are the only one that isn't.

- That all seeds have a gestation period and that good things take time. 

- How to practice the trust and the timing of your life.

- Why it's important to show up on the days when nothing sexy is happening, when it's still winter, and when you haven't seen any of the fruits of your labor.

- About the compound effect in action and how it all pays off.

- That everything will happen in the exact, right divine timing for you.

- How to improve your relationship with time. 

- My concept of "Amazon Priming" your goals and what to do if you've been trying to make it all happen immediately.

- How to trust that the Universe has a plan for you.


Resources mentioned:


- Your Best Life

- The Inner Circle (click here to sign up for the waitlist and get 50% off your first month!)

- The Feelings-Based Approach Tutorial

- My YouTube Channel


Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach


Music for The Kelly Trach Show is by Ikson: soundcloud.com/ikson

Support for this episode comes from:

Teachable. Teachable is my absolute favorite online course creation platform and it is where I host Your Best Life, my best-selling digital course. Sign up here to get 3 free courses on how to make your first online class (a $1000 value that you get for free 'cause you're rollin' with me).

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