Dr. Ezzie Spencer on Courageous Change, Rebirth + Honoring Your Cosmic Destiny

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"If it’s painful to hold on, then it’s a cue to let go."


Today my friend you are in for SUCH a treat here on the show! We have Dr. Ezzie Spencer sharing all about how to make courageous pivots in your life, how to honor the discomfort, and why you need to create space in your life for what you truly desire in order for it to manifest. It’s such a pleasure and an honor to sit down today with Ezzie for this beautiful soul-centered chat over a cup of warm chai tea (as it snows like crazy here in Vancouver Canada!) We talk about how our pain comes from the resistance we feel, how to let go of what’s holding us back in life, and why it’s so critical to follow the breadcrumbs that are laid out before us. Ezzie also shares about her career unfolding and how at times it feels like we are in the “messy middle” and nothing makes sense, yet it all contributes to where we are divinely headed. We chat about her pivot from being a lawyer to being a moon goddess to being a coach for women in toxic relationships. In this episode, we also dive into Ezzie’s big move and how she swapped the beaches of Bondi for the sparkly skyline of New York. Ezzie dishes the deets on show she called in a move to the Big Apple (something she dreamed of since she was 13) in two weeks! You’ll definitely wanna tune into this juicy episode this week. Grab your earbuds and dive in.


About Dr. Ezzie Spencer:


Dr. Ezzie Spencer is a best-selling author and coach living in New York City.  Starting out as a lawyer in Australia, Dr. Ezzie worked in the area of women’s safety, which led her to complete a Ph.D in emotional well-being after domestic abuse. During her doctorate, she started personally coaching women on well-being. First through her coaching, and then also her books, talks, retreats, and online platforms, Dr. Ezzie has supported tens of thousands of women around the world to heal and harness their personal power. Dr. Ezzie specializes in helping women find love after toxic relationships so they can rebuild epic self-confidence, rekindle their optimism about the future, and finally find the courage to put themselves back out there to attract real love. 

She is also the author of the book “Lunar Abundance: Cultivating Joy, Peace and Purpose using the Phases of the Moon” and the companion “Lunar Abundance: Reflective Journal”, both published by Running Press/Hachette and both available wherever books are sold.


In this episode, you'll learn:


  • How Dr. Ezzie made many career pivots (from lawyer to moon goddess to supporting women release toxic relationships) and moved from Bondi Beach to NYC. Most people feel really nervous to pivot and forge a new path and we chat about how Dr. Ezzie had the courage to go for it.

  • She explain that her human rights law/women's safety PhD and “moon goddess” work was actually all part of the same journey.

  • How Dr. Ezzie recently fulfilled a life long dream that she had since she was 13 of moving to NYC. When she was young, Ezzie had nightly dreams of NYC and this beautiful sixth sense was guiding her there. We talked about what was the tipping point that made her say a hearty "YES!" to it.

  • Dr. Ezzie shared that moving to NYC opened the door to the next step in your own evolution. We talk about how that step magnetized new desires and ideas towards her.

  • The Bali + Bondi beach life is very different than the energy of fast-paced big apple. I ask Dr. Ezzie if the energy of her new location unlocked something for her.

  • She shares about the "birth death rebirth" cycle and trusting in that natural order. We chat about how to trust in the the phase of death and re-birth.  

  • Dr. Ezzie shares about staying with the discomfort and what that looks like for her as she navigates something challenging in life.

  • How much of our lives we live on autopilot and how much this can keep us trapped in a life that we don't love. Dr. Ezzie shares what she would say to the listener that feels like they are going through the motions of daily life (yet their soul yearns for so much more).

  • That the feminine is WORTHY and powerful and how we can harness it.

  • How most of us are extremely detached from the feminine energy (or fearful to step into it). Dr. Ezzie shares how we can better reclaim that sacred feminine inside of us and embody it more fully.

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