Jordanna Levin on Mastering Manifestation, Raising Your Worth & Practicing Non-Attachment

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“All of our limiting beliefs come down to how worthy we think we are.”


Today’s episode is such a treat as I sit down with one of my favorite beloved podcasters, Jordanna Levin. I’ve listened to her WHOLE show and I’m beyond stoked to share her love, witty humor, and wisdom with you today. In this conversation, we deep dive into co-creating with the universe, surrendering our desires, and her 4-part manifestation equation. So, come grab your favorite bevy and join us for the hour as we giggle and gossip about all the dos (and don’ts) of manifestation. Plus, you’ll get to hear about the wildest things Jordanna’s been able to pull out of the blue, how she scored a book deal, and the a-ha moment I had while recording this interview about how to be utterly magnetic. Tune on in and enjoy!


About Jordanna:


Jordanna Levin is an author, podcaster, manifestor, lunar lover and (closet) stand-up comic, who has a knack for taking mind-exploding spiritual concepts and making them digestible, relatable and applicable to everyone. She is the author of the book "Make it Happen" and the host of two podcasts, "The Inspired Table" and "The Middle."


In this episode, you'll learn:


- Jordanna’s four part manifestation formula that she has mastered.

- How to tap into faith when we are feeling rooted in fear.

- Ways to practice non-attachment with our desires.

- The power of self-worth and how to elevate it.

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Resources Mentioned:


Your Conscious Empire

The Inspired Table Podcast

The Middle Podcast

Kelly LeVeque and the Fab 4 Smoothie

Connie Chapman

Jess Lively

Abraham Hicks

Lacy Phillips



Find Jordanna:

Instagram: @jordannalevin


Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach

Music for The Kelly Trach Show is by Ikson:

Support for today's show comes from:

Podigy. Podigy is the company the edits and produces The Kelly Trach Show and I am forever grateful for them. If you are ready to take your podcast to the next level, get professional editing and finally delegate it out, then Podigy is your jam. I adore working with them because they are super on the ball and make this show sound like the 5-star podcast that it is. When you sign up, mention “The Kelly Trach Show” to get 50% off your first month of editing.

Bench Bookkeeping. It's automated bookkeeping and all you have to do is sync your credit cards, bank accounts, website and then upload bills. A real bookkeeper will do the rest! It makes my life a total dream. When you sign up here, you’ll get 1 free month of bookkeeping + 20% off your first 6 months. With that free trial month, Bench will do your last month’s books with no credit card required so you can test it out, see the graphs, the statements, and how it works! Literally one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my business.

Convert Kit. Beautiful, simple, and intelligent email software. It’s designed for content creators to help you sell more stuff. Use this sign up link to get a free 30-day trial and give it a whirl. (It’s usually only a 14-day trial, but I scored this sweet deal for you as a listener!) Plus, Convert Kit is my email platform and I pay for it myself out-of-pocket. It’s easy to understand, intuitive, and you can automate everything. Best of all, it integrates seamlessly with other platforms like Squarespace and Teachable so you can sell your products with ease.

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