KT Q&A with Selina Ho: Daily Rituals, Boundaries & Self-Care


“I’m starting a movement to turn things around.”


Today, I have my friend Selina Ho, the Founder and CEO of Recloseted, here on the podcast and she’s interviewing me for this episode of “KT Q&A.” This is a new segment where I get listeners to ask me their burning questions and I’m super lucky to have my friend Selina here who is a long-time listener of The Kelly Trach Show. She’s got some all-star questions lined up for me about recovering from burnout, how I set and uphold boundaries, and what my self-care practices look like.

Plus, you’ll learn all about the movement Selina is building with Recloseted. Selina shares how she’s creating this while working a full-time job and how she knew it was time to get started. We also discuss the dirty secrets of the fashion industry and how you can be more conscious about your clothing choices. So, download this episode and enjoy!


About Selina: 


Selina Ho is the Founder and CEO of Recloseted. After watching The True Cost, Reclosed was born. She aims to shed a light on the industries dirtiest secrets - everything from unethical labor practices to fast fashion environmental impacts to the chemicals going into our clothes. She’s starting a movement and building a tribe that’s dedicated to turning things around.




In this episode, you'll learn:


- How to be more conscious about your clothing choices.

- Why you should take your clothes to consignment versus donating them.

-How Selina is balancing both a full-time job and creating Recloseted at the same time. (+ What that looks like #IRL).

- How to sense if you’re on the brink of a burn out. (+ How to manage that if you work for yourself or for someone else).

- How to set boundaries with the people in your life. (+ How to set a polite boundary rather than answer a pesky questions that you’d prefer to dodge).

- What my morning routine and evening routine look like.

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Support for today's show comes from:

Teachable. Teachable is my absolute favorite online course creation platform and it is where I host Your Best Life, my best-selling digital course. Sign up here to get 3 free courses on how to make your first online class (a $1000 value that you get for free 'cause you're rollin' with me).

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