What If You Told People How You Were Actually Feeling?

9 - What If You Told People How You Were Actually Feeling - The Kelly Trach Show.jpg

Is the generic "I'm good, I'm great, everything is amazing" false?


What if you told people how you actually felt? I know,  I know, this sounds like a novel concept. Most of us have our go-to phrases: "it's so good! I'm great! Life is busy but good!" 

But, if you were real, what would it enable you to do? Show up more human? Let go of some stress you've been hauling around? Dump your ego at the door? Better connect? Build real friendships? Yeah - all of that. And maybe even more. 


In this episode, you'll learn:


- That pretending that everything is "amazing, fine, and good" is false authenticity and creates distance between you and others.

- Why it's important to share early in order to diffuse your feelings and kickstart your healing. (+ My balloon metaphor to visually explain this concept). 

- How to start introducing some vulnerability into your life.

- How I started to share my truth and where I began.

- 2 strategies to begin telling people how you genuinely feel (even though it feels scary).

- The importance of getting comfortable getting uncomfortable and how you can build this mindset muscle.  



Resources mentioned:


My e-course: Control Alt Delete: The Mindset Reboot



Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach


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