Your Genius Is..

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The Dedicated Director


Here’s what I know about YOU:

Your genius is a fact that you get stuff done in a very systematic, organized, and well-thought manner. You are the organization guru! (And you probably love The Container Store too, am I right?) 

Efficiency is your middle name and you get things done like a wizard. Plus, I'm sure many people in your life wonder how you can accomplish so much stuff in a day — and that's because you are The Dedicated Director. You're great at directing people, projects and most of all, completing tasks on time in a streamlined manner. But you're not the type to cut corners or skimp on the job. Integrity is your backbone and you're always committed to doing the best and highest good for all involved. 

You’d make for an amazing entrepreneur because you know how to delegate tasks, assign responsibilities, and set clear work expectations and boundaries for everybody on your team. You can make decisions lickety-split and when it comes to your goals, you won’t stop until you get there. So hip, hip, hooray! Three cheers to productivity!


Here’s how you can monetize your genius…


#1: offer soul-centered services + help people reach the promised land

The best way for you to monetize your genius by leading other people. Listen to them, understand their problem, and find a better way to reach the promised land. You could be their advisor, consultant, or coach. To your clients, you’ll become the person that really understands the lay-of-the-land and becomes their their “go-to guru.” All you need to do is find a niche that you are passionate about, figure out what services you want to sell, craft your packages, and open up shop. This is your genius and it’s time to cash in on it, okay?

#2: Online courses could be a grand slam for you

Down the road, you could totally offer an online course where you help people achieve their dream result. You would know how to break down a course in a systematic and methodical way. An online course would be a fab opportunity for you to share your knowledge with the world and impact more people. (Even if this was a little $97 course to start!) Teach what you know to be truly transformational and you’ll be golden.

#3: Don’t forget to share!

A great way to build and support an audience would be through creating a community on Instagram, starting a podcast, or even a YouTube channel so that people can know, like, and trust you. You’ve got a LOT of great tips and strategies that you need to share with the world! (No more playing small). Speaking gigs and in-person workshops are also a potential income stream for you too. You’ve got a voice that needs to be heard and you’ve got the mojo to make it happen.


Here’s a breakdown of what you could be making….

I’m just gonna leave this righhhtttt here because you could be making a lot of money from services and courses.


How You Could Be Earning $10k Monthly From Your Genius


Kelly Trach

Business Coach, Podcast Host + Online Educator

Holy moly, me oh mi! I’m so stoked you’re here!

I’ve been an entrepreneur since I turned 22. 4 businesses, 3 online courses, 100k podcast downloads, 1 published book, and countless business coaching clients later, I’ve discovered the exact ingredients that differentiates a wildly successful, digital business from the ones that never get past a brainstorm in a journal.

Here’s my story: I was a biz school honors grad that used to work at Tesla Motors and was now living in San Francisco, trying to get my startups off the ground. I was even in a prestigious pre-accelerator program taught by a billionaire venture capitalist, but my 3 tech start-ups all tanked.

So, I moved back home to my parent’s house in Canada and started my 4th business (from my childhood bedroom) that was based on my soul’s calling and genius. Fastforward, I grew it to a full-time income organically and started teaching others how I did it.

Now, I help visionaries build soulful digital businesses with 1:1 services + online courses based on their genius.

If you’re committed to making big magic happen, I can’t wait to show you the ropes.

All the love,  





Seriously, look at the magic my students are creating!


In just 6 weeks I had a website with compelling copy, two packages nailed down, registered for an LLC, got legal agreements + put in my notice at my full-time job.”

Jena Thielges, Graphic Designer, USA

“Kelly is the real deal. She helped me see how I could turn my genius into a business. Now, I feel super aligned with what I'm doing.”

— Maria Henning, Coach + Intuition Teacher, USA

“Before Kelly, I had a lingering belief that it wasn't possible for me to help others + make money doing it. Kelly feels like your greatest cheerleader and now building a biz, making money + having fun in the process are all doable.”

— Nishi Singhal, Intuition Coach + Author, USA


Are you ready for your quantum leap?

I’d love to help you make a BIG, BOLD shift towards your deepest desires now. (Not keep waiting!) When you feel all inspired ‘n’ aligned, it’s time to take action. So, how about something sweet like this to get the mojo flowing?


Score my book written for folks just for YOU called…


P.S. You’re A Genius

an unconventional guide to finding your innate gifts (even when you feel like you have none)


With this book, you'll discover these need-to-know nuggets of wisdom:

  • Discover How to Find Your Innate 3 - 5 Gifts. Through a series of self-reflective questions, you’ll walk away knowing what makes YOU oh-so-special. (Even when you don’t feel special at all).

  • How to Find Your Genius to Create the Success You’ve Always Desired. Outcomes include being seen as a thought leader and the go-to expert in your field, cashing in on what comes most naturally to you, and earning what you’re really worth. (Read: your income can go WAY up). Plus, doing your genius enables you to tap into total flow where work feels almost effortless, score more prestigious clients or dream job opportunities, and automatically stand out from the crowd.

  • How to Do More Of What You Love, More Often. Now that you’re clear on your genius, map out your next steps so that you can do it every day. (Like, how to adapt your current job more to your genius, how to build a business around it, switch careers, choose a college major, or pivot into a new role at your company).

  • How to Ditch the Doubts that Hold You Back. Overcome the stories of “I’m Not Good Enough” and “Somebody is Already Doing it Better Than Me, So I Can’t.” Plus, other worries like “I Can’t Make Money Doing That” and “I Need More Time, Experience, and Maybe Another Certification” and “Other People Can Do It, But Not Me.”

  • Discover the New Playbook for Success. Now that you’re a genius, you need a new set of rules to play by. Ones that don’t involve hustling ‘til midnight and other old-timey tactics. Instead, discover lessons like: “Trying Harder Doesn’t Always Work” and “Quitting is Underrated” and “Throw Out Everything You Know and Go with How it Feels.” Plus, “Nobody Can Do It Like You No Matter How Hard They Try” and “Your Best Success Will Come From What’s Most Profoundly Simple.”


Want more freebies JUST for you?

Grab those earbuds, a fresh piping hot almond milk latte, and dig into these gems JUST for you to get that creative genius inside of you going!

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