Before You Set Your Goals, Listen to THIS

31 - Before You Set Your Goals Listen to THIS - The Kelly Trach Show.jpg

Take a feelings-based, intuitive, heart-centered approach to goals. And, pretty much forget the rest.


If you want a deeper, more soulful way to set goals, then tune in. Today, we explore how to access that place of juicy possibility inside of you and how to create goals from the vibrations of your heart - not what looks look on paper or on your resume. Or, what others have in mind for your life. This is all about you and your life calling.

Over the last year, I've learned a thing or two about what it takes to fulfill your life's vision and what is required to step into that person you know you are meant to become. So today, I'm sharing with you how you can do the same in your life and craft those burning desires into realities.


In this episode, you'll learn:


- How to set goals from the core of your being - from your heart, and your soul, and from your values.

- That the only difference between where you are right now and where you want to go is truly your mindset.

- How to take an unconventional approach to fulfilling your heart-centered desires. 

- How I set goals now (and how it has really, really, REALLY shifted over time as I've learned to tune inwards).

- About the mental work I needed to do in 2017 to get me to where I am right now in my business. (+ How much coaching and thought work I needed to do and get here).

- What it takes to become an elevated person who does work on a whole new level and that you are TOTALLY capable of any big vision you have for your life.

- That one-on-one coaching is open! So, welcome and come check it out here if you'd like the opportunity to work with me and make it happen. 


Resources mentioned:

Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini

Lori Harder

Lewis Howes

Groundwork Cafe in Santa Monica

YCombinator & Sam Altman

The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

One on One Coaching with Kelly Trach


Find Kelly:


Instagram: @kellytrach

Support for this episode comes from:

mindbodygreen. Their online classes and training programs let you learn from the best from anywhere around the globe. P.S. Manifest Your Dream Life by Melissa Ambrosini is my favorite right now.


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