Paulina Cameron on Elevating Women, Using Your Voice & Rising Up

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"Sometimes, when we know that we crave something in our lives, the best way to start is by giving it."


Paulina Cameron is a friend that I've looked up to since my first year of business school and it's such a pleasure to share her wisdom with you! Paulina pursues her goals with feverous passion and has the courage to show up fully expressed, vulnerable, and always human - which is something I deeply admire. Plus, she is a huge champion of other women, will fiercely support you, and she has a gift for crafting genuine connections like no other. 

If you are looking to find those deep rooted and soul nourishing connections, today's episode is for you. In this conversation, we talk about how women can support and elevate each other, how to be a champion for others, and tangible tips on how to build your tribe from scratch.

We also talk about feminism, sisterhood, and all the things we needed to unlearn about women and female friendships. Today, we also discuss our fears and what has held us back from speaking up and using our voice, especially as women.

And lastly before we dive in, our inclusive definition of the word "women" includes women and anyone else who self-identifies as female. This episode is such a treat, so sit down, tune in, and get your notepad ready for Paulina's truth bombs.



About Paulina:


Paulina Cameron is an impact-driven leader, working in the spaces of entrepreneurship, youth, and gender equality. She believes that we need diversity of leadership and that we need to celebrate the incredible work of female role models in Canada and is the author of Canada 150 Women. She is also a Director for the BC & Yukon team at Futurpreneur Canada, supported the launch of new businesses.


About Canada 150 Women:


From politicians to spacewalkers, entrepreneurs to scientists, Olympians to artists, Canada 150 Women profiles the achievements and struggles of groundbreaking female role models. Candidly sharing personal and professional moments, interviewees discuss how feminism has changed in their lifetimes, offer advice to women embarking on their careers, and set forth their bold visions for Canada. 


In this episode, you'll learn:


- How to build your tribe by giving your gifts to others and offering up what you are personally seeking. For example, if you want more connection in your life, give more connection to others.

- How to offer value to others, create a network of elevated women, and offer yourself to the pockets of the world where people are doing what you like. (+ How you can give and contribute to your tribe in a way that's not icky networking and totally genuine.

-  The lessons Paulina had to unlearn about women and feminism. For example, Paulina had to unlearn the idea to hold back and not speak up unless you are absolutely 100% correct. And I needed to unlearn this notion that female friendships are catty and cliquey.

- That we require systemic changes to elevate and support women. The system needs to change instead of telling women to lean in more, show up more, or be louder (because we already are doing it all). 

- How important it is to unpack your fears around speaking up and using your voice. (+ How using your voice takes serious courage and Paulina explains that courage is a muscle).

- That it's always a journey. It's forever a journey and not a destination. 

- And lastly, what Liz Gilbert said to Paulina when she was writing Canada 150 Women.

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