How I Got Over My Money Blocks

48 - How I Got Over my Money Blocks - The Kelly Trach Show.jpg

Here's the nitty-gritty on blasting through your money blocks.


Money. Mullah. Dolla dolla bills. Today on the podcast, we are going there.

If you've been following the show for a while, you know that I've blasted through major money blocks over the last year through running this company and up-leveling myself in the process. And now, I'm sharing my learnings with you so that you can do the same. 

In this episode, I'm sharing how I did that, what resources I used, and how I figured out every single self-limiting belief I had about money. Then, reversed it all and took on a new belief system.

You'll learn about the red flags which indicate that you have underlying money issues, myths about money, what money really truly is (versus your thoughts about it) and how to overcome your blocks to make way for some major abundance.

This episode is perfect for you if you have weird feelings towards money, secretly want more of it but you're afraid to say it out loud, and you're ready to do the through work to change your life (and bank account).


In this episode, you'll learn:


- Common areas that are huge red flags indicating money blocks. For example, putting your head in the sand, having issues spending money on yourself, feeling uncomfortable every time you put money on the credit card or feeling like money is a taboo topic.

- That your relationship with money is a serious relationship in your life. It's just as important as a family member and how you talk to money is critical.

- What a self-limiting belief is and how to take on a new belief. 

- How to question everything you know about money and find those underlying false beliefs. For example, people who make money are totally different than me or I'm not deserving.

- Why it's so important to charge what you are worth or ask for a higher salary. (I am SO fired up about this topic! A must listen point for everyone, especially in today's world with gender inequality and the wage gap).

- Not to give all of your work away for free. Charge it, baby.

- How to tap into the abundance mindset versus the scarcity mindset.

- When to hire a coach and use one to blast through your blocks. Hire me, or hire someone else. When you invest in yourself, your dividends are exponential and I share my own income as an example today.


Resources mentioned:


Mint app

Draper University

Landmark Forum

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Your Best Life



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Instagram: @kellytrach

Music for The Kelly Trach Show is by Ikson:

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Teachable. Teachable is my absolute favorite online course creation platform and it is were I host Your Best Life, my best-selling digital course. Sign up here to get 3 free courses on how to make your first online class (a $1000 value!)

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