Indigo Colton on Intuition, Flowing with the Moon & Slowing Down

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"You have to slow down enough to hear that your intuition is there with you."


Get ready for the woo-woo! Today, I have Indigo sharing all about the spiritual tools I've discovered lately. If you are new to flowing with the moon, tarot cards, the law of attraction, or listening to your intuition this episode is for you. 

What I appreciate most about this interview is that Indigo runs her own business as a systems trainer and consultant. Her work is super technical since she streamlines business logistics for a living. On the flip side, she also tips her toes in modalities like tarot cards, flowing with the moon phases, and the law of attraction and she's found a way for both of these worlds to coexist.

This episode is just so fascinating and fresh! It's so much fun for our brains to dabble in other modalities - especially if you are like me and you come from a serious, logical, left brain background (like I did coming from an ultra-competitive business school and the fast paced life in Silicon Valley).

So, go light a candle, diffuse your favorite essential oil, and come learn how to bridge the mystical with the material world!


About Indigo:


Indigo Colton is a systems trainer and consultant for 6- and 7-figure businesses. Her mission is to help you work less, experience more joy, and increase your revenue. She is also the founder of The Moons Within  a sacred place to learn how to do the deep inner work for burnt out, stressed out entrepreneurs. She's found ways to marry strategy with more spiritual tools, like tarot and the moon.


In this episode, you'll learn:


- How to listen to your intuition and go inwards for guidance. (+ How to tune into your body's signals).

- Why and how both worlds can exists - the spiritual, mystical, woo-woo world and the logical, rational, business world.

- How to be more intentional with your time and maximize your off-work hours (even if they are small).

- How the phases of the moon can impact you as a human. (+ How to flow with the new moon and full moon in your work).

- What that line in the sand feels like when something stops feeling fun. (+ How to be more intentional and shift when that happens).

- How to take a staycation when you're feeling out of alignment and you need to take some intentional rest. 

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Support for today's show comes from:

Four Sigmatic 

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